IT Infrastructure Specialization—IT Management (M.A.S.)

Elevate your digital future by adding an information technology infrastructure specialization to your information technology and management master’s degree from Illinois Institute of Technology.

Information technology systems are used to create, process, store, retrieve, and exchange data and information. IT systems are communication systems that allow anyone—from data scientists to end users—to obtain the data they need to perform their job functions.

What is IT infrastructure?

The primary components of IT infrastructure include physical systems, such as hardware, storage, routers, and switches, as well as networks and software. At Illinois Tech you’ll develop expertise working with IT infrastructure components and optimizing how they work together to comprise an effective, secure IT system.

Now that we’ve answered the question, “What is IT infrastructure?” let’s look at how you can prepare for the IT infrastructure field.

What Is Illinois Tech’s Information Technology Infrastructure Specialization?

Our IT infrastructure specialization allows you to perform a deep dive into the components of IT infrastructure and how to design and build effective, secure IT systems. Illinois Tech’s information technology infrastructure specialization will help you advance your key technical abilities, such as cloud, network, and data administration skills. You’ll also develop and enhance the soft skills employers seek, such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills.

The curriculum for our IT infrastructure specialization blends theoretical content and practical application with projects and laboratory-based instruction. You’ll also gain deep insights and experience working on a cutting-edge industry-sponsored project.

IT Infrastructure Specialization Career Opportunities

With your IT infrastructure specialization, you’ll be prepared for career positions designing, testing, integrating, modifying, and implementing IT systems.

Career positions for IT graduates with an IT infrastructure specialization include:

  • IT infrastructure specialist
  • IT infrastructure manager
  • Digital systems architect
  • Information systems and technology manager
  • Systems administrator

Graduates of our IT management master’s program have obtained positions at companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, KPMG, Chase, Deloitte, Alcatel-Lucent, and others.

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IT Infrastructure Specialization Curriculum

Illinois Tech’s information technology infrastructure specialization offers a rigorous curriculum designed to prepare you for a career in IT and IT infrastructure. To earn the IT infrastructure specialization, you’ll complete 24 credit hours of courses.

Your required courses include Object-Oriented Application Development, Introduction to Data Networks and the Internet, and Introduction to Open Source Software. You’ll also select one course from the following:

  • Vendor Management and Service Level Agreements
  • Project Management for Information Technology Management
  • Information Technology Management Frameworks
  • Networking and Telecommunications Management
  • Cyber Security Management

You’ll then select four specialized courses based on your specific interests.


Other Specializations in Our Information Technology and Management Degree Program

Our IT management master’s degree program allows you to select an area of specialization to gain deeper knowledge of and insights into a technology area. Our include:

  • Computer and Information Security
  • Data Analytics and Management
  • IT Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Management Information Systems
  • Smart Technology and Innovation
  • Software Development
  • Systems Analysis
  • Web Design and Application Development

All specializations can be completed online, except for Smart Technology and Innovation. Students electing not to complete a specialization must complete at least one course from each of the seven core subject topic areas.