Lostant, Illinois
Major and Graduation
Bachelor of Architecture in Architecture, Expected Graduation: 2025
Student Organization Involvement
Comedy Club
Why did you choose your major/what do you want to do with your degree?
I thought Architecture seemed like a nice mix of art and STEM.
What is your favorite thing about the Camras Scholars Program?
The Camras Scholarship is what allows me to attend IIT, and I am learning a great deal.
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I hope to be in a leadership position at an architecture firm.
How do you think you best represent what it means to be a Camras scholar?
Each thing that I choose to spend my time doing is something that I care about and invest in learning about. I have done field and lab research, much of which is in geology, hydrogeology and geochemistry. I have spent a lot of time developing my communication skills in a variety of subjects. I try to apply what I learn to my main focus of architecture even when it seems the connections are thin.
Email: ephillips@hawk.iit.edu