Ken Choi

  • Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Post Doctoral Research Associate, Sakurai Lab., University of Tokyo, 2005
Ph.D. ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2003

Research Interests

Ken Choi joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois Tech in the fall of 2007. He was a senior CAD engineer and a technical consultant for ultra-low-power SOC (system-on-chip) design in Samsung and Sequence Design prior to joining Illinois Tech. His research interests include DFP (Design For Power) and DFM (Design for Manufacturing) for ultra-low-power VLSI chip design and automation, and circuit design for nanometer scaled devices such as Carbon Nanotube FETs.


Best Paper Award in 2010 International Symposium on Wireless Sensor Network and Technologies and Applications (WTA): Jaeik Cho, Ken Choi,, “Simple Security Protocols Based on EPC Global Generation 2”, Dec., 12-15, 2011

Best Paper Award in 2010 International Symposium on Wireless Sensor Network and Technologies and Applications (WTA): Li Li, Ken Choi, et. al., “Energy Efficient Encoder Design of Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Video Sensor Network”, Dec., 12-15, 2011

Best Paper Award in 2010 International Symposium on Wireless Sensor Network and Technologies and Applications (WTA): Li Li and Ken Choi, “Activity Driven Optimized Bus Specific Clock Gating for Ultra-Low-Power Smart Applications”, Dec., 9-10, 2010

Best Paper Award (LG Award) in 2010 IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC): Haiqing Nan and Ken Choi, “Novel Soft Error Hardening Design of Nanoscale CMOS Latch”, November, 22, 2010

Best Paper Award (Cosar Award) in 2009 IEEE International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC): Haiqing Nan and Ken Choi, “Inter-Hierarchical Power Analysis Methodology to Reduce Multiple Orders of Magnitude Run-Time without Compromising Accuracy”, November, 24, 2009


  1. Jaeik Cho, Taeshik Shon, Ken Choi, and Jongsub Moon, “Dynamic learning model update of hybrid-classifiers for intrusion detection,” The Journal of Supercomputing: Volume 64, Issue 2, p. 522-526, Mar. 2013
  2. Haiqing Nan and Kyuwon Choi, “TDDB Monitoring and Compensation Circuit Design for Deeply Scaled CMOS Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Vol. 13, No.1, p. 18-25, Mar. 2013
  3. Li Li, Haiqing Nan and Ken Choi, “Activity Driven Fine-grained Clock Gating and Run Time Power Gating Integration,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI), TVLSI-00101-2011.R1, Vol. PP, Issue: 99, Mar. 2012
  4. Yu-Chi Tsao and K. Choi., “Area-Efficient VLSI Implementation for Parallel Linear Phase FIR Digital Filter of Odd Length Based on Fast FIR Algorithm,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II. Vol. 59, Issue:6, p. 371-375, Jun. 2012
  5. Haiqing Nan and Ken Choi, “Low Cost and Highly Reliable Hardened Latch Design for Nanoscale CMOS Technology”, Elsevier Journal of Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 52, Issue 6, P. 1209-1214, Jun. 2012
  6. Yuchi Tsao and Ken Choi, “Area-Efficient Parallel FIR Digital Filter Structures For Symmetric Convolutions Based on Fast FIR Algorithm,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI), ISSN: 366-371, Vol., 20, No.2, Feb. 2012
  7. Haiqing Nan and Ken Choi, “High Performance, Low Cost and Robust Soft Error Tolerant Latch Designs for Nanoscale CMOS Technology”, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I, DOI 10.1109/TCSI.2011.2177135, Issue: 99, p.1-13, Jan. 2012
  8. Li Li and Ken Choi, “Activity Driven Optimized Bus Specific Clock Gating for Ultra-low-power Smart Space Applications,” IET Communications (Formerly IEE Communications), Vol 5, Issue 17, P. 2501-2508, Nov. 2011
  9. Kyung Ki Kim and Ken Choi, “Hybrid CMOS and CNFET Power Gating in Ultra-Low Voltage Design,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol10, No 6, p.1439-1448, Nov. 2011
  10. Haiqing Nan, Ken Choi, “Novel Radiation Hardened Latch Design Considering Process, Voltage and Temperature Variations for Nanoscale CMOS Technology,” Elsevier Journal of Microelectronics Reliability, Vol. 51, P. 2086-2092, Aug. 2011
  11. Haiqing Nan, Kyungki Kim, Wei Wang, and Ken Choi, “Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for Power-Constrained Design using Process Voltage and Temperature Sensor Circuits,” Journal of Information Processing System, p. 93-102, Mar. 2011
  12. Kyung Ki Kim, Seong Mo Park, and K-w Choi, "On-Chip Aging Sensor Circuits for Reliable Nanoscale MOSFET Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Vol. 57, Issue: 10, p. 798-802, Oct. 2010


Ultra-Low-Power VLSI Design and Hardware Optimization for Multimedia Applications

Ken Choi

Contact Information

312.567.3461 3301 South Dearborn, Siegel Hall 318