Robert Ellis
- Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics
- Program Director, Bachelor of Science in Data Science
Ph.D. - University of California at San Diego
Research Interests
Asymptotic rates of adaptive and non-adaptive codes; liar games and their connection to packing and covering problems; families of near-perfect adaptive codes; random geometric graphs and their application to wireless networks; small subgraphs of Erdos-Renyi and collaboration random graphs; probabilistic methods; algorithm design and analysis
Professional Affiliations & Memberships
2023 Michael J. Graff Award for Innovation in Teaching
Fall 2008 Honorable Mention, IIT College of Science and Letters Dean Excellence in Research Award
Fall 2009 IIT Interprofessional Project Program (IPRO) Outstanding Faculty Award
Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) Fellow, 2005-2006
Four Dean's Letters of Commendation for high course evaluations (MATH 152, 430, 431, 454)
J. N. Cooper and R. B. Ellis, "Linearly bounded liars, adaptive covering codes, and deterministic random walks," accepted to .
R. B. Ellis and K. L. Nyman, "Two-batch liar games on a general bounded channel, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 116 (2009), 1253-1270.
R. B. Ellis, J. L. Martin, and C. H. Yan, "Random geometric graph diameter in the unit ball,"Algorithmica 47 (2007), 421-438.
G. Calinescu and R. B. Ellis, "Monitoring schedules for randomly deployed sensor networks," in Proceedings of the DIALM-POMC Joint Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (2008), pp. 3-12.
Asymptotic limits for adaptive coding
Variance of small subgraph counts in random graphs
Expanding ResearchWeb by establishing an undergraduate research journal at IIT - IPRO 321
NSA Young Investigator's Grant, 2007-2008
AFRL Grant, 2007-2008
Graph Theory
Adaptive Coding Theory
Probabilistic Methods
Algorithm Design & Analysis