Sampling-Based Methods for Stochastic Optimization
Speaker Tito Homem-de-Mello Description Joint colloquium with IIT ECE Dept.
Speaker Tito Homem-de-Mello Description Joint colloquium with IIT ECE Dept.
Description In this work the Gierer-Meinhardt model is analyzed using Chebyshev collocation methods. This model is classified as a reaction-diffusion system and arises from biological pattern...
Description We present a parameterized algorithm that, given a graph G on n vertices and an integer parameter k, decides whether G has an independent set of size at most k in time O(2^{2.1152k+0.1028n...
Description This talk concentrates on the model-robust design problem for multiresponse model with possible bias. We assume that the fitted model for each response is first-degree or second-degree...
Speaker Mihai AnitescuArgonne National Laboratory, Division of Mathematical and Computer Sciences Description Complementarity constraints are a very versatile modeling...
Description Archimedean copulas have proven to be remarkably useful for modeling dependence in a variety of settings. In this talk we will survey important aspects of the theory of Archimedean copulas...
Speaker Joe Tribbia Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences, NCAR Description The problem of predicting the future state of the weather...