Kilpatrick Lecture: Urodynamics
The Department of Chemistry's 2024 Kilpatrick Lecture will be held at 3 p.m. on April 16 at Pritzker Science Center Room 111, and will feature a guest speaker on Innovations in urodynamics
- Margot S. Damaser, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
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Damaser will present "Innovations in Wireless Catheter-Free Monitoring of Bladder Function":
- Urodynamics is the gold standard diagnostic test to assess lower urinary tract function and
dysfunction. However, it has pitfalls because it is a non-physiologic test performed in an artificial
setting and often is unable to replicate the symptoms that concern patients. To address the
limitations of Urodynamics and provide for chronic monitoring of bladder function, we have
developed a wireless catheter-free device for measurement of bladder function without catheters
or retrograde filling. We designed flexible electronics to wirelessly transmit bladder pressure to a
small radio receiver taped to the subject’s abdomen. The radio receiver stores the data and
simultaneously transmits it wirelessly to a nearby laptop using Bluetooth. We have tested this
system on the bench, in animals, and in an initial acute human subject study in women with
overactive bladder. This is the first example of a wireless catheter free bladder pressure data
collection in humans, enabling them to void on a toilet in private while diagnostic data is collected.
The small, flexible device inserted into the bladder to measure bladder pressure is not painful,
does not impede urinary flow, and can be easily inserted and extracted. This system could be
used in conjunction with uroflow and pelvic floor electromyogram for a more complete
assessment, potentially at home. In addition, the system enables chronic monitoring for closed
loop neuromodulation, sensory restoration, close titration of pharmaceutical treatments, as well
as biofeedback. Recent results and future directions will be discussed in the presentation.
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