Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, and Machine Learning Seminar by Alain Bensoussan: Stochastic Control and Limited Commitment
Speaker: , University of Texas, Dallas
Title: Stochastic Control and Limited Commitment
The theory of investment and growth of firms has been an important source of stochastic control problems. The issue of CEO compensation has been addressed more recently. A seminal paper has been written by H. Ai and R. Li, with a model of CEO compensation under limited commitment. It leads to a new type of stochastic control problem, where a stochastic constraint captures the limited commitment. The authors introduce a Bellman equation, with unusual boundary conditions. Many formal arguments are used in the proof, although the amount of intuition is impressive. The objective of this work is to provide a rigorous and complete theory for this Bellman equation and to solve the corresponding stochastic control problem.
Mathematical Finance, Stochastic Analysis, and Machine Learning