
  • About.com: Internet/Network Security 
  • AntiOnline “Computer Security” 
  • EDUCAUSE Security “A Resource on Computer and Network Security for the Higher Education Community” 
  • Linux Security.com 
  • SecuriTeam 

Magazines, Journals, Blogs & Documents

  • Illinois Tech ITM Loopback 
  • Wired cybersecurity 
  • Security Magazine 
  • Dark Reading
  • Security Week 
  • CSO 
  • The Basics of an IT Security Policy [document] 
  • CSO Magazine “for information security executives” 
  • International Journal of Information Security 
  • IT Security Cookbook [document] 
  • National Information Assurance Partnership: Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation [document] 
  • Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability EvaluationSM (OCTAVESM) Method Catalog of Practices,
  • Version 2.0 [document] 
  • SC Magazine 

Resources, Certification & Training

  • BlackHat 
  • CERT Coordination Center 
  • GIAC Global Information Assurance Certification [certification] 
  • International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium Inc.(ISC)2 [certification] 
  • Internet Security Alliance 
  • Internet Storm Center 
  • KnowledgeLeader Internal Audit and Risk Management Community: IT Security [Student membership is free] 
  • Microsoft's Best Practices for Security 
  • NIST Computer Security Resource Center 
  • Openwall Project Information Security software for open environments 
  • SANS Institute: Reading Room 
  • SANS Institute [training] 

Cybersecurity Competitions

  • The National Cyber League  
  • NCCDC: National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition 
  • PWN2OWN 
  • U.S. Cyber Challenge 
  • Def Con Contests 
  • Panopoly 
  • CSAW Capture the Flag 
  • SANS Netwars
  • Cyberpatriot 
  • Mitre Cyber Academy 


  • EDUCAUSE/Internet2 Computer and Network Security Task Force (Replaced the College and University Information Security Professionals) 
  • The Computer Security Institute 
  • Information Security Forum 
  • Information Security Management Systems International User Group 
  • Internet Security Alliance 
  • ISSA - Information Systems Security Association 

Academic Resources

  • Information Security Resources: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Daniel S. Dotson  


  • USENET alt.security 
  • USENET comp.security.misc 

Journals in Information Security and Digital Forensics held by IIT Galvin Library

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