Parking Policy

The operation or parking of any motor vehicle on the property of Illinois Tech is a privilege granted by the university. In order to maintain a safe and clear means for the movement and parking of vehicles, Illinois Tech has adopted and enforces regulations contained herein. Each owner/operator is responsible for being familiar with these regulations and will be held responsible for violations thereof. Parking Services is charged with the responsibility of enforcing parking regulations at Illinois Tech. This is accomplished primarily through the issuance of citations to vehicles in violation of the published Illinois Tech parking regulations. Citations must be paid or appealed within 7 days of the issue date. The regulations contained herein are subject to revision, addition, and/or amendment. Such revisions will be posted and/or published for the information of the Illinois Tech community.


The primary objectives of the parking regulations are to:

  • Provide students, employees, and visitors with the opportunity to park a motor vehicle while at Illinois Tech.
  • Enforce safety for pedestrians and vehicular traffic.
  • Ensure that access for emergency vehicles and equipment is maintained all times.

General Information

The university assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time while it is parked or operated on the grounds of the university. Issuance of a parking permit shall create no liability on any property owned or otherwise controlled by Illinois Tech.


Parking Permission

Illinois Tech has designated surface lots. Use of lots and designated parking spaces require a valid Illinois Tech parking permit. Some lots have restrictions imposed, either by electronic means or through the use of signage.

Parking areas may be controlled and/or restricted by traffic control devices. Parking permits are required regardless of whether a lot is restricted by a traffic control device unless otherwise noted.

Each person who registers and operates a motor vehicle on Illinois Tech property must have a valid driver's license and current vehicle registration. 

Parking permits will be issued to passenger cars and motorcycles only.

The purchase of an Illinois Tech parking permit does not guarantee the availability of a specific parking space. All parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. The responsibility for locating a valid parking space rests solely on the vehicle operator. Lack of available parking in individual parking lots does not justify parking in invalid spaces. Vehicles found parked in a manner that obstructs traffic flow will be subject to immediate removal at the driver/owner's expense.

The university reserves the right to impose limitations on parking in emergencies and on special occasions. In such instances, advance notice will be given when practical and as time allows.

The university reserves the right to remove or have removed any vehicle that is parked in such a way as to constitute a serious hazard or that impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic movement, the operation of emergency equipment and/or making of essential repairs. Owners of such vehicles will be required to pay all costs involved in removing, impounding, and storing such vehicles. Any vehicle parked on Illinois Tech property without a valid university-issued permit can be subject to removal at the owner or operator's expense.

Parking Enforcement

All parking and traffic regulations will be enforced at ALL times, including evenings, weekends, holidays, and when classes are not in session, unless otherwise noted. Refer to the Enforcement page for current details.

The fact that a person parks in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation and does not receive a violation/warning notice does not mean that the law, ordinance regulation is no longer in effect or is invalid.

No person may park any motor vehicle on campus in any location other than an authorized and designated parking area.

Vehicles must park within the indicated boundaries and marked parking lanes/spaces or areas.

No vehicle may be parked or driven in a manner as to obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic.

No person may make major repairs to motor vehicles while on the campus.

Tailgating, car washes, or other events may not take place in campus parking lots without expressed permission from Campus Business Services.

Parking in areas under the "L" tracks from 29th to 35th streets is strictly prohibited unless otherwise indicated by posted and approved signs.

The speed limit on all university property, including parking lots, is 5 miles per hour.

Pedestrians have the right of way at all times.

Operating or parking of vehicles on sidewalks or lawns is prohibited.

Yellow curbs designate NO PARKING unless otherwise posted.

No person may park or operate a motor vehicle on the campus in such a manner as to cause damage to any university property.

No person may park or operate a motor vehicle in such a manner as to cause interference with operations of the university or in such a manner as to disturb the peace of the university community.

Any vehicle parked in violation of designated "snow route/snow zone", when snow removal operations have begun or when weather conditions indicate snow removal operations will be necessary, shall be removed from the campus in accordance with provisions previously described.

The operator of any vehicle must obey all traffic and parking control devices.

No person may interfere with traffic enforcement or the operation of any traffic control device, ignore any officer's signal or instruction, or tamper with, destroy, or deface any traffic control device.

Service Parking

Service parking provisions are established for contractors, vendors, and the Illinois Tech community to support university business. In general, short term loading/unloading needs may be fulfilled in DESIGNATED SERVICE AREAS for a period not to exceed 30 minutes unless otherwise posted. Paid parking is required in designated permit areas. Alternate arrangements to facilitate proximity for major loading needs require advance coordination/authorization through the university host with Campus Business Services. Parking Services reserves the right to enforce permit parking and restricted areas by citation and/or vehicle tow at the owner's expense. 

Disabled/Abandoned Vehicles

Any motor vehicle that has become disabled on university property should be immediately reported to Campus Business Services, campusbusiness@iit.edu or the Illinois Tech Public Safety, 312.808.6300. Abandoned vehicles will be removed from the campus. A vehicle shall be deemed abandoned if it does not display proper state registration (license plates) or is in an obvious state of disrepair and satisfactory arrangements for removal have not been made.

Overnight Parking

With the exception of residents of campus housing, parking lots are designated primarily for daily commuter use. Motor vehicles may not be stored in campus lots in the absence of the owner/operator regardless of whether the vehicle is registered.

Repeat Violations

Persons with three or more unpaid citations are subject to having their vehicle(s) towed from the campus at the vehicle owner or operator's expense.

Continual or habitual violations of the Illinois Tech parking and traffic regulations are subject the violator to having his/her vehicle removed from the campus by a private towing company, operating under an agreement with Illinois Tech. Such vehicles will remain tow eligible until satisfactory payment arrangements have been made. An eligible vehicle may be towed regardless of whether a violation has occurred at the time the vehicle is identified parked on campus. Repeat violators may also be reported to their respective Department Head or the Dean of Students.