Professional Development for High School Math Teachers: Planning the Implementation of High-Quality Tasks

Faculty: Gorjana Popovic

Format: Live, in person

Structure: One day workshop (seven hours with lunch break)

The high-quality tasks are problems that allow access to the mathematics through multiple entry points, include the use of different representations and tools, and foster the solving of problems through varied solution strategies. Engaging students in such tasks involves active meaning making and supports meaningful learning, which is identified as one of the foundational principles of effective teaching.

The objective of this workshop is to be able to utilize high-quality tasks that allow access to the mathematics to all students. It is designed to improve participants’ skills in planning the implementation of high-quality tasks. Participants will learn how to identify a high-quality task, how to modify existing exercise to a high-quality task, to anticipate a variety of student solution approaches to the selected high-quality task, identify possible challenges for students and how to address them, and to sequence anticipated solutions to conduct a meaningful mathematical discussion.

Our open enrollment courses will begin in early February of 2022. Please contact us to learn more about starting dates, schedule, and how to enroll (OPCE@iit.edu).