Senior Lecturer – Department of Social Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, 鶹APP
Senior Lecturer – Department of Social Sciences, Illinois Institute of Technology, 鶹APP
Founded in 1890, Illinois Institute of Technology was born different. It was built on the promise set forth in minister Frank Wakely Gunsaulus’ “Million Dollar Sermon” to provide access to higher education for students from all different backgrounds and to make a difference in the world through technology-oriented education. This guiding mission and purpose—where students, including those underrepresented in technology, could prepare for meaningful roles in a changing industrial society and achieve professional and economic advancement—remains just as relevant today. Thus, diversity and inclusion are part of the day-to-day experience at Illinois Institute of Technology and the centerpiece of its culture. Because of this, Illinois Institute of Technology is home to a diverse and global student population, and is committed to providing opportunities to enhance the diversity of its faculty and staff. To this end, Illinois Institute of Technology strongly encourages applicants from all backgrounds to apply for this position, especially those underrepresented in the field, including, but not limited to, African Americans, Latinx, Indigenous peoples and others.
Position Description:
The Illinois Institute of Technology seeks an individual for a full-time, 9-month position as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences. Appointment periods are 3-5 years and renewable. The preferred start date is January 3, 2022.
We seek candidates to teach a broad range of social science courses and to potentially develop inter/cross disciplinary programs with the engineering and science departments. The successful applicant is expected to be a dynamic and engaging lecturer and demonstrate potential for overall excellence in teaching. Candidates are expected to demonstrate best teaching practices. Lecturers in the department teach three courses per semester in the fall and spring terms, become members of some service committees, mentor and advise undergraduates and help with recruitment activities. Opportunities for summer teaching employment and potential administrative duties may also be available for well qualified candidates.
Annual salary is negotiable and dependent upon the candidate’s previous experience and qualifications.
- A Ph.D. or foreign equivalent in political science, sociology, geography, public policy, applied economics, urban planning or a closely related field
- Previous teaching experience is desirable but not required
Please submit the following application materials by mail to: Prof. Jeff Terry, Interim Department Chair, Illinois Institute of Technology, 3101 S. Dearborn St., 鶹APP, IL 60616 or by e mail to and provide names/contact information for three references who will be prepared to submit letters of recommendation upon request. The application should include:
- Cover letter addressing the candidate’s qualifications
- Curriculum vitae
- Statement of teaching philosophy and interests including any available evidence of teaching excellence. If applicable, please include any experience in teaching, mentoring or engaging in research with a diverse population of students.
Review of applications will begin upon receipt and the position will remain open until filled. Complete applications received by October 1, 2021 will receive priority consideration.
If you have a question about the details of this search or position, please contact the Interim Chair, Prof. Jeff Terry at
The Illinois Institute of Technology is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer; we are committed to enhancing equity, inclusion and diversity within our community. Illinois Tech seeks applications from all individuals regardless of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, creed, national origin, disability, age, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity and expression. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration.