Your Academic Adviser
If you are a newly admitted student to Illinois Tech, your adviser’s name should appear in your letter of admission. If it does not, contact the program director associated with your degree program.
For other inquiries on advising, contact Charlotte Jackson, academic program coordinator in CAEE. Frequently asked questions about advising are answered in the Armour College of Engineering advising page.
Getting Help from Your Adviser
Your academic adviser will help you choose courses and can help advise you on various topics, including program requirements, registration issues, and career paths. Your adviser’s approval is also required for some forms when they are needed (e.g., see eForms link below).
If you are communicating with or meeting your adviser for the first time, please prepare for your meeting by using the university website to find and learn more about your academic program’s requirements and limitations.
Synopsis of Graduate Studies in CAEE
The graduate bulletin contains requirements for graduate degree programs and certificates in CAEE, as well as descriptions of our courses.
Contacting Your Adviser
To find your adviser's office hours, email addresses, or phone numbers, review the department directory. Outside of scheduled office hours, email or call your adviser to set up in-person or remote advising sessions. (Email is generally faster and preferred, at least for initial communication.) If your adviser is on vacation or on sabbatical leave—or your email is not responded to within two or three business days—contact Charlotte Jackson.
Advising Pin
- New master of science and Ph.D. students receive their PIN number from the director of graduate studies—Associate Professor Igor Cialenco, who can be reached at He serves as these students' first academic adviser. The professional masters students can obtain their PIN number from the program directors or academic advisers.
- For continuing semesters, if not on probation, students can find their Advising PIN number in their account. Information to find your Advising PIN can be found at this .
Required Academic Advising
If you are a degree-seeking student who wants to be sure that you are taking courses that will lead you to a degree, you must complete an academic advising session—either in-person, virtual, or via email—before progressing into your studies. This advising session is mandatory; the Graduate Program (GP) Advising Hold will prevent you from registering for the next semester until you meet with your adviser and your adviser subsequently clears the hold. The hold goes into effect automatically before the next semester of registration opens for:
- Accelerated master's students in the first semester of graduate enrollment
- Traditional master's students at nine earned or enrolled credits
- Doctoral students at 18 earned or enrolled credits
The hold prevents registration before the following semester, until lifted by the adviser, and a mandatory advising session is required for the student to clear the registration hold.
Note: Non-degree graduate students and graduate certificate students do not receive GP holds.
An accelerated master's student's registration hold will be removed when the student submits the declaration of accelerated master’s shared and non-shared courses in eForms (located in the Illinois Tech Portal), and after it is approved by their adviser, academic unit, and Graduate Academic Affairs. The student will need to see their adviser for shared and non-shared course advising.
Synopsis of Graduate Studies for Research-Based Degree Programs (M.S. and Ph.D.)
The graduate bulletin contains guidelines for prospective and current students showing the steps that must be taken and the forms that must be completed, signed by appropriate university officials, and submitted to the Office of Graduate Academic Affairs in order to proceed from application to graduation to receipt of degree.
Other Advising Topics
Student Resources
- Graduate Academic Affairs
- Academic Resource Center
- Career Services
- Center for Learning Innovation
- Center for Disability Resources
- English Language Services
- Financial Aid
- Student Health and Wellness Center
- Active Learning at Illinois Tech (Elevate, IPRO Program, Idea Shop, Kaplan Institute)
- Office of Global Services
- Office of the Registrar
- Student Accounting