The Lewis College magazine, Big Picture: The View from Lewis College, launched in spring 2015 as a means of connecting faculty, students, and alumni, and sharing the Lewis College community's latest updates and achievements. Published twice annually, the magazine showcases faculty research, student projects, and alumni stories, as well as the college's latest news updates, such as special events and program launches. Each issue centers on a single, interdisciplinary theme of importance to the mission of Lewis College. Visit the links below to explore past issues of Big Picture.

Big Picture Magazine

Spring 2022
The spring 2022 issue of Big Picture examines new antibiotics being developed to fight cholera, how supercomputers are helping to decode genetics, the role of AI in farming and agriculture, and more.
Fall 2021
The fall 2021 issue of Big Picture delves into why convenience stores are critical in food deserts, how PET scans can be made safer, how the nutritional value of juice can be enhanced, and more.
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Spring 2021
The spring 2021 issue of Big Picture explores innovative health-related research underway in Professor of Chemistry Rong Wang's lab, a new COVID-19 treatment from Professor of Biology David McCormick, career updates from our alumni, and more.
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Fall 2020
The fall 2020 issue of Big Picture celebrates the launch of the new Lewis College of Science and Letters, highlighting work from faculty, students, and alumni across the college's seven departments.
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Spring 2020
The spring 2020 issue of Big Picture recognizes members of the Lewis College community whose work embraces social support as a catalyst for change.
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