College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

For these examinations, which are administered by the College Entrance Examination Board, Illinois Institute of Technology will award credit under the following conditions:

  • The CLEP examination and the score achieved meet the standards of the university department that offers courses in the area of the examination.
  • The CLEP examination is not allowed for courses in which the student has previously enrolled and must be completed before a student’s final 45 credit hours of enrollment at the university.
  • Students must observe all rules of the College Level Examination Program regarding the taking of CLEP examinations.

Note: Previous acceptance of the examination by another institution does not imply acceptance by Illinois Institute of Technology. If you are a current Illinois Tech student and plan to take a CLEP exam, you must first receive approval from Academic Affairs.

Exam TitleMinimum ScoreCredit HoursEquivalent Course
Composition and Literature   
American Literature506HUM 200, HUM 190
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature506HUM 200, HUM 190
English Literature506HUM 200, HUM 190
College Composition506COM 101, ELEC 100
College Composition Modular503ELEC 100
Humanities506HUM 200, HUM 190
World Languages   
French Language I506HUM 190, HUM 191
French Language II5912

HUM 190, HUM 191,

ELEC 100, ELEC 101

German Language I506HUM 190, HUM 191
German Language II6012

HUM 190, HUM 191, 

ELEC 100, ELEC 101

Spanish Language I506HUM 190, HUM 191
Spanish Language II6312

HUM 190, HUM 191,  

ELEC 100, ELEC 101

Spanish with Writing Level I506HUM 190, HUM 191
Spanish with Writing Level II6512

HUM 190, HUM 191,

ELEC 100, ELEC 101

History and Social Sciences   
American Government503PS 200
Introduction to Educational Psychology503PSYC 190
History of United States I503HUM 200
History of United States II503HUM 200
Human Growth and Development503PSYC 190
Macroeconomics503ECON 152
Microeconomics503ECON 151
Psychology503PSYC 221
Social Sciences and History503SSCI 190
Sociology503SOC 200
Western Civilization I503HUM 200
Western Civilization II503HUM 200
Science and Mathematics   
Biology506BIOL 105, BIOL 190
CalculusUnder Review  
Chemistry506CHEM 122, CHEM 126
College AlgebraUnder Review  
College MathematicsUnder Review  
PrecalculusUnder Review  
Natural Science506SCI 190, 191
Business Law503BUS 341
Financial Accounting503BUS 211
Information Systems503BUS 102
Principles of Management503BUS 301
Principles of Marketing503BUS 371

Updated April 2024